So I may fall in love with BBC reporting. This one just begs to be discussed:

So, who steals a dead body and its casket? Why would you steal the dead body and casket? I can come up with a somewhat impromptu list:

  1. Make a statement against the human injustices committed by his father and possibly the deceased.
  2. One of those underworld raves.
  3. To collect a ransom (which you will note they didn't do).
  4. Starting a collection (wildly odd, but I guess a possibility; not many people can say they own the remains of one of the 10 richest people in the world).
  5. Drug cartels have been known to steal the bodies of drug 'mules' to recover product.
  6. Science (I have heard you can donate cadavers? But this one was more than a year old).

Without becoming disrespectful to the deceased, which I hope I have not already done, I can't think of many other reasons why one, or a group of folks, would steal a body (and its casket) from a tomb. Let me just do a little bit of mathematical thinking here: it would take probably a couple of hours in the evening for this group of folks to gather, travel, take the casket, and return. After that, the group would need to arrange for apparent long-term storage, intermediate transportation and then probably some type of monitoring system. With the minimum man power and time commitment necessary to pull off such a heist and then keep the body for an entire year, I am left to wonder what else do these people do with their lives? I am fairly certain that even the most inebriated and bored American college students would balk at the opportunity to embark in such an endeavor. I would come close to arguing that a traditional college 'frat' party would be a better use of one's time than to plan and execute a covert operation to remove and then hold, to no apparent end, the body of a deceased billionaire!

Considering the demands of everyday life, stories such as this certainly make me wonder if really there is something we 'normal' folks are missing? And if we are missing the secret to endless night raids into a nearby necropolis, are we really missing out? Certainly the reasonable person can find a better use of one's time; as such, allow me to conclude this trivial bantering with a list of five better things to do than raid a crypt:

5 Better Things to do with Your Time than Raiding a Crypt

  1. Spend time with your family (wife, children, parents, dog, etc.).
  2. Work – There is little more satisfying than a job well done.
  3. Play Sports – An active life is a happy life.
  4. Sleep – Certainly a better use of an evening than any midnight forays.
  5. Television – At the very least you aren't committing a crime and still have the opportunity to learn something.


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