Back with a vengeance

Ok so I haven't posted in… a while. Let's get right to it.

I was recently introduced to a fabulous legal blog This self-described legal tabloid has given me a plethora of delightful laughs over the last couple of days, and quickly reminded me that I had neglected my own monologue on reason in modern society. With that said, read their blog, read my blog, and check out this article…

Fairfax Naked Guy – Not Guilty

I will leave the summary to the article, but I just wanted to focus on the final phrases of the piece. His legal fees could be up to $15,000!!!!! That is moderately ridiculous. No man should have to spend $15k to defend an innocent nude jaunt through his OWN HOME (if you believe his version of the facts that is).

On a more dangerous note, I would like to remind everyone to please purchase insurance when sending a package. In a recent tragedy near Chapel Hill, NC, a UPS truck met its match in an ill-fated duel down I-40. While neither driver was seriously injured, I have yet to hear any report of the status of the packages. From the images and an unfortunate personal encounter with the dense traffic, it appeared that hundreds of boxes were jettisoned over a half-mile or so of interstate (and those tasked with the recovery were clearly not concerned with the fragility of their contents). Details (with video) can be found here.

Finally, and definitely on a different topic, Fantasy Baseball began this week (incidentally coinciding with the start of Reality Baseball). The sport has experience rapid growth and, with proper marketing, could overtake little league enrollment within a couple of years. I would encourage everyone to give this definitely unreasonable addiction a try.

Till next time… think, act and be reasonable.

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